2008. 2. 23. 10:21 from Orange English


Let’s face it; England has some of the coolest slang around the world. The words and phrases the English use bring a distinctive culture to their language. When you’re traveling England, here is some jargon I recommend using (from londonslang.com) because A. it sounds cool and B. you’ll fit right in. Now you just need to practice your accent.

absobloodylutely/absofuckinglutely - an exclamation as to resound a definite yes.

arse - has developed over the past few years and can be used in a number of ways. The first meaning is obviously 'bottom' and is the English (and original) version of the American 'ass'. The more recent way of using the word is as an exclamation of annoyance, i.e. when you do something clumsy or when things just don't go your way. Then you might simply say "Arse !".

bird - probably the most common slang term for woman/girl/girlfriend. In prison slang a 'bird' is a prison sentence. eg. "He's doing 'is bird in Dartmoor". This comes from the Rhyming Slang term 'birdlime' meaning 'time'.

bugger - a mild form of abuse or an exclamation. Used commonly and without worry about offending. eg "You crafty bugger !". Someone who is 'a bugger' is more likely to be 'cheeky' rather than a rogue.

cakehole - mouth. eg "Shove that in your cakehole !", "shut your cakehole !".

cobblers - Rhyming Slang, short for 'cobblers awls', 'balls'. Used as a general swear word much in the way 'balls' is. eg. "That's a right load of old cobblers" or as a one word disagreement "Cobblers !". Also used for testicles.

ding-dong - argument or fight, normally preceded with "a bit of a". eg. "He 'ad a bit of a ding dong with Dave dahn the boozer last night".

Dutch oven - a term describing when you fart and hold your partners head under the covers.

eppy - to freak out or 'go mad'. eg "He threw an absolute eppy when he found out". From epileptic fit.

extracting the urine - an different way of saying 'taking the piss'.

fuckwit - a stupid person, popularised by the English magazine 'Viz' character called 'Terry Fuckwit'.

full-on - powerful, with maximum effort. A 90's term used by the same crowd that would use 'banging' and 'large'

gobsmacked - flabbergasted, surprised. e.g. "I couldn't believe it, I was totally gobsmacked"

gypsy's kiss - Rhyming Slang for 'piss' (urinate). More often shortened to 'gypsy's'. e.g.. "I'm just nipping out for a gypsy's"

how's your father - a euphemism for sex. The sort of phrase used in a 'carry on' movie. Pron. "aa's yer farva". e.g.. "I think there upstairs having a bit of how's your farther !"

in stook - in trouble, usually in the financial sense.

jaffa - a term for a man who is sterile. i.e.. a Jaffa is a 'seedless' orange.

jar - pint of beer. e.g.. "Fancy a few jars after work ?".

Johnny-bag - condom. Also 'Jolly bag'.

kick it off - start a fight. e.g.. "There was a real bad atmosphere down the boozer, I was sure that nutter was gonna kick it off".

knocking shop – brothel

legless - very drunk.

monkey - a term for 500 pounds. (Thought to be related to the 500 rupee note ?)

moolar - a slang term for money of uncertain origin

naff - a popular word meaning cheap, tacky or of poor quality.

on the job - to be involved in sexual activity. i.e. "John's got a smile on 'is face, must 'av been on the job all night".

pissed-up - to be very drunk.

pukka - means 'authentic' or 'first-rate'. Originates from the Hindi word 'pakka' meaning 'substantial'. This word was originally used in the Indian colonies.

queer street - to be in trouble or in a difficult situation is to be 'in queer street'.

rat-arsed - drunk. Normally prefixed with 'totally'.

ruck - a fight. From the word 'ruckus'.

sweet as a nut - meaning 'nice', 'simple', 'no problem'.

to) take the biscuit - to add insult to injury, to be even worse than first thought. e.g. "I can't believe what he did, that really takes the biscuit !".

tits-up - all gone wrong. Vulgar version of 'belly-up'.

up the duff - to be pregnant, usually by mistake. A 'duff' is a pudding (usually plum), so to be up the duff is to have 'a bun in the oven

wanker - an old English word that is a very common term of abuse. A wanker is an idiot or an unpleasant person. From 19th century Yorkshire dialect meaning 'idiot'.

yob - a horrible or uncouth young man. From Backslang for 'boy'.

zeds - sleep. e.g. "I really must get some zeds before we go out tonight".

Posted by chxngx :