so many things to read

2007. 8. 19. 11:49 from Carlson
Carlson is supposed to be proud of its toughness of core semester. Other MBA programs have similar core semester which is seemed to torture, however Carlson would get it's fame for heavy schedule. I already started team assignments and accounting boot camp. Next week is official start line of fall semester with plenty reading assignments.
in marketing class,
- Microfridge (is it all, one page? I doubt that), marketing myopia (I read it throughly when I entered Diamond ad, it was written by Levitt in 60's. wtf), another Kotler's book, HBR for marketing.
in strategy class,
- chapter 1 of textbook (definitely not little), Dansk design Ltd.(case of 80's. I still have difficulties for reading case)
and financial accounting (I may not understand even if it is written in Korean!).

Frankly, I want to study all of these stuff. I don't want a good grade, study itself is my objective in here. I'm hoping that I could understand fast and use when I work in real field.
Posted by chxngx :